Sunday, November 10, 2013

Family Movie Night

Sunday nights in the Disney Addict household is family movie night. Which, last week, entailed me suggesting a perfectly wonderful Disney movie and my son and husband vetoing it. They are not quite the Disney fans I am.
However, my son is a mega Marvel fan, which I think counts since Disney owns it! No seriously, this child can tell you who just about every superhero and villain is. He even knows their secret identities. When we asked him for his opinion on names for his new baby brother or sister, he suggested Iron Man and Black Widow!

Anyway, last week we ended up watching Charlotte's Web, the 2006 live action version with Dakota Fanning. While I preferred the original animated movie, I thought this one was really good too. It pretty much stayed true to the original, with only a couple of things added or left out. Plus it's on Netflix, which meant no running to RedBox or trying to find somewhere online to watch it. And once my son got past the "spiders suck the blood out of flies" part, he actually sat and watched the whole movie without getting bored. And for us, that is a huge movie night success! I definitely recommend it if you're looking for something to watch with your little ones.

Tonight I think we're going to bake some cookies, pick out a movie, and try out this awesome recipe for Dole whip I saw on Pinterest. It takes a bit of time to freeze, but it's a pretty simple recipe. Can you imagine having delicious pineapple-y Dole whip whenever you want it? Yumm! If it comes out good, I'll post pictures and the recipe tomorrow!

Now I'm off the try to find the perfect movie night movie for tonight. Wish me luck!

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